Too many people operate under a very mistaken presumption that a trained dog will work for anyone, anywhere, and anytime.
Things you need to consider in buying a blood tracking dog are the sex, age, various working abilities as in do you work on leash or off and do you want a catch dog or not.
Personally, I prefer to work males, because they never come in heat and I am a breeder, so I do not spay my females, and a female in heat can be distracted by a heat cycle and if you have more than one dog, a male WILL BE distracted by a female in heat!
For the record, the best working dog ever is a spayed female, because she will never be in heat, nor will she be distracted by one that is and will be 100% devoted to you her whole life.
Every year 95% of the people who call to buy dogs always call AFTER losing a deer and most do not get one because shopping for tracking dogs should be done now during the summer before you need a dog, and not after a deer is lost and it is too late for that one that you couldn't find without a dog.
And imagine your regret if you kill something like the fine 2017 Indiana deer above and you can't find it because you don't have a dog?
Or what if it is your kids first deer and It is not recovered for no other reason but you failed to invest in a tracking dog?
I recommend you get a puppy, because if it is bred to hunt like what I breed, start 'em young, and you may be amazed what a 3-4 month old can do. Also, it is a no brainer, and you don't need to 'train' it to hunt, you just need to take it to blood trail after blood trail when you don't need the dog to track, and when you do need it to track, it will track!
Why do I say you don't need to 'train' it? Well, because it has been with you on numerous real blood trails and recovered deer, and then went to the skinning shed and enjoyed in the comradery and fun of putting fresh meat tin the freezer, and it knows the name of the game.
Not only that, but if you get a dog that is bred to hunt, it will amaze you the hunting ability in the dog genetically speaking, and as we like to say: if it is not bred to hunt in the first place, good luck putting it in the dog by training!
Unfortunately too many people will not get a well bred dog because people with the best dogs often do not breed and sell to the public, because they do not have time to deal with the nonsense that goes with that!
For instance Roy Hindes(below) on the King Ranch in Texas who in my opinion has the greatest tracking dogs on the planet, will not beed and sell to the public.
Yet, I know of one of his neighbors who got a son and daughter of Jethro, and thought he would have no problem selling these very much in demand dogs, and in less than two years of trying to sell puppies, my friend gave up and he no longer breeds and sells to the public!
Why? Well if you have never had to deal with the public, you do not have a clue the nonsense associated with it. I went through that with the hog dogs,
and the swamp tours for years...
It is no different with blood tracking dogs for wounded and dead deer.
I am Marcus de la Houssaye, and I own and operate a blood trail dog training facility in Lafayette, La. and I am a breeder of Louisiana Ctahoulas whch is the Louisiana state dog.
If you would like a puppy, started dog, or a finished dog, give me a call or shoot me an email.
I have a new phone and a new number for now: 337 704 6330
I also have email at